Here are the SAT and ACT test and registration dates through the fall of 2019
High ACT scores = college scholarships
If you’re a high school student looking to pay for college, you may be considering applying for scholarships. One type...
Prepare to return to in-person classes this summer!
Prepare has been given the go-ahead to run in-person SAT-ACT prep classes in the Lehigh Valley this summer. Please check...
Colleges, COVID-19 and the SAT & ACT
Colleges will continue to accept ACT and SAT results if students submit them.
Offer all students prep courses to make SAT fairer
An OpEd in the Allentown Morning Call, May 4, 2005: Fill in these blanks: The New SAT is inherently ——...
Should we get rid of the SAT? (part 1)
Since I earn my living preparing kids for the SAT and ACT, what do you think I would say?! 🙂...
Is the June SAT test really easier?
This is a big one lately. Evidently, kids and their parents have heard this rumor from friends and even guidance...

What do I think about the College Admissions scandal? (Part II)
it’s human nature to want to help our children, to try to clear away as many rainclouds as we can… even if we don’t care that we are screwing over other parents’ kids and, perhaps, even harming our own by knocking down walls for them. ÂÂ

What do I think about the College Admissions scandal? (Part I)
When the college admissions scandal broke, my SEO guy suggested that I find something clever to say about it and...
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