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The best Digital SAT and ACT prep in West Chester


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As college admission become more competitive each year, college-bound high school students in Doylestown, PA need effective resources to present as the best candidates possible. PREPARE’s fresh, innovative teaching effectively prepares students for the stress of the college application process. Your high school student is unique, so your ACT & SAT test prep program should be, too. Take control of your ACT & SAT prep with PREPARE’s group test prep classes. For more information, please got to: https://prepareforthesat.com/act-sat-prep-courses-schedules/

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Some Recent Testimonials

“This class is definitely worth taking. I learned very helpful test taking strategies that I wouldn’t have been able to find anywhere else, and the improvement in my scores reflects the effectiveness of this class. Not only is the class effective in helping improve scores, but also in keeping students engaged and entertained; there was never a dull moment over the entire course of the class. I recommend this class for being both fun and effective in helping prepare for tests.”

~Eli Haiko, CB South HS, U. of Delaware

“A very well organized and motivating program. I highly recommend it.”

~Megan Brislin, mother of Braden Brislin, Central Catholic

“It is very apparent that Pete deeply cares about the outcomes of his students, and we are grateful for his commitment to help our son increase his SAT score almost 200 points from the PSAT. We feel that Pete’s class is essential for any student looking to improve upon his or her SAT test scores, which are critical to ensuring that a child maximizes the options available to them when selecting colleges. Thank you, Pete!”

~Ted Eichenlaub, father of Evan Eichenlaub, Moravian Academy

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Expert ACT & SAT Test Prep in Doylestown, PA

Colleges use ACT & SAT scores as a key indicator of a Central Bucks student’s potential for success. As such, Doylestown high school students need to capture college admission officers’ attention with ACT and SAT test scores in the top percentile. Luckily, investing in your student’s success will help them rise to the challenge and earn scores that will improve their application at their first-choice college. PREPARE will help your student earn the necessary scores for college admission by helping them grow into lifelong learners.

PREPARE focuses on improving learning-centric behaviors that augment the success of Doylestown students, such as study skills, organizational skills, time management, anxiety management, and other factors. Everyone learns differently, and PREPARE helps your student discover the skills and strategies that align with their unique learning styles. With learning made easier, your student will have the confidence needed to maximize their performance once test day arrives.

Earn Supercharged ACT & SAT Scores Through Group Classes

At PREPARE, your CB South, CB East or CB South student will work collaboratively with other students in a test prep classroom setting. No two students learn the same. Moreover, each student has a unique history and set of skills. As a result, bringing together a group of people with different areas of knowledge results in valuable exchanges of information and study techniques. Different students in the group possess different strengths and areas of ACT and SAT expertise, which can broaden your student’s perspective and help to clarify areas they struggle with as well.

When other ACT & SAT test prep programs fail to deliver results, Doylestown-based students turn to PREPARE to help plan for the ACT & SAT. We’ve helped students from Archbishop Wood, as well as the three CB high schools, earn the ACT & SAT scores needed for college admission. You will feel the difference with us from your first call. Call (610) 730-4876 to help boost your student’s ACT & SAT scores today!

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2250 W Union St. Allentown, PA 18104
P: 610-730-4876

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PREPARE SAT & ACT Course Classroom Sites

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Gwynedd Mercy University
1325 Sumneytown Pike
Gwynedd Valley, PA 19437

Muhlenberg College
2400 W Chew St
Allentown, PA 18104

Moravian Academy
4313 Green Pond Rd
Bethlehem, PA 18020

West Chester University
700 S. High St.
West Chester, PA 19383

(click map for directions)

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