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The best Digital SAT and ACT prep for Coopersburg students
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Prepare is running in-person ACT and Digital SAT prep classes, as well as AP test prep, in the Coopersburg, PA area. College essay workshops will also be offered this spring. Mask and vaccine mandates have now been lifted.For more information, please got to: https://prepareforthesat.com/act-sat-prep-courses-schedules/
Welcome to PREPARE, the leading source for ACT & SAT test prep in the Lehigh Valley. College admission officers continue to be overwhelmed by a rapidly growing applicant pool, resulting in record-low acceptance rates. Now more than ever, it’s imperative that your student catch an admission officer’s attention with outstanding test scores. PREPARE has the tools and resources that Southern Lehigh, Central Catholic, and Bethlehem Catholic students need to secure their spot at the college of their choice.
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Local testimonials
“Throughout the entire process, Mr. Schmidt was always there and ready to assist me whenever I had questions. He showed me how to apply the appropriate test-taking methods, which made me feel much more confident on test day. His sense of humor and attention to detail made the class very enjoyable. I am very grateful for his efforts and would recommend this service to anyone.”
~Hansen Fan, Southern Lehigh HS
“A very well organized and motivating program. I highly recommend it.”
~Megan Brislin, mother of Braden Brislin, Central Catholic
“It is very apparent that Pete deeply cares about the outcomes of his students, and we are grateful for his commitment to help our son increase his SAT score almost 200 points from the PSAT. We feel that Pete’s class is essential for any student looking to improve upon his or her SAT test scores, which are critical to ensuring that a child maximizes the options available to them when selecting colleges. Thank you, Pete!”
~Ted Eichenlaub, father of Evan Eichenlaub, Moravian Academy
“Mr. Schmidt’s method of teaching was extremely helpful for the SAT. His tips and tricks to complete the SAT helped me work smarter and helped me achieve my full potential. After taking his class, I can say it was well worth the money and because of it I was able boost my SAT score by over 200 points. He is dedicated to his students and truly invested in helping us, I also especially loved his refresher classes that helped me stay on top of learning and keep my knowledge up to date. His method of teaching has also helped me with other standardized tests such as the Keystones and AP tests!”
~Aditi Maheshwari, Parkland HS and Shreyer Honors College, Penn State
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Top-Notch ACT & SAT Test Prep in Coopersburg, PA
Having helped 6,000+ students raise their ACT & SAT since 2004, PREPARE has a refined methodology to guide students through the stressful tests and achieve unprecedented success. Coopersburg students will soon maximize their performance and perform to the best of their abilities on test day.
Despite increased competition and low-acceptance rates for top colleges across the country, PREPARE understands how to help students fulfill their potential. Right from the start, our exceptional teachers will pinpoint and chart your student’s progress in a warm and inviting classroom setting.
Experience the best ACT prep & SAT Test Prep in Pennsylvania
With Prepare, Southern Lehigh and Central Catholic students form a classroom community and build on one another, helping each student transform weaknesses into new strengths. This collaborative approach helps students master strategies for tackling every type of exam question while preparing them for advanced work in college. Moreover, PREPARE inspires students to reach full potential through test strategies, time management skills, and proprietary study materials.
Whether students need help studying for the SAT or ACT, PREPARE is ready to help! We’ve helped students from Southern Lehigh, Central Catholic, Bethlehem Catholic and other nearby schools achieve their dreams. We can help make yours a reality too! You are only one call away from reaching your target ACT or SAT score! Call 610-730-4876 to join the ranks of other satisfied, college-bound students.
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2250 W Union St. Allentown, PA 18104
P: 610-730-4876
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PREPARE SAT & ACT Course Classroom Sites
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Muhlenberg College
2400 W Chew St
Allentown, PA 18104
Moravian Academy
4313 Green Pond Rd
Bethlehem, PA 18020
West Chester University
700 S. High St.
West Chester, PA 19383
(click map for directions)
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