In-person SAT prep ACT prep AP Test Prep in Orefield, PA
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Expert Prep for the SAT and ACT in Orefield, PA
The college application process is one of the most stressful times in a high school student’s life. Crushing college entrance exams may come naturally to some student but others struggle on standardized tests, despite receiving superb grades in school.
With most colleges going “test optional” nowadays, fewer students are taking the ACT and SAT. If you think about it, though, that means that excellent SAT and ACT scores are rarer and more valuable than ever now! Extraordinary scores help students stand out from thousands of other applicants who do not report scores. As such, some high school students living in Orefield, PA may be looking for SAT and ACT test prep that can energize them to earn better scores.
PREPARE, the leading SAT and ACT test prep in the Lehigh Valley, helps students from Parkland, Central Catholic, Moravian Academy and other nearby schools develop the essential skills to conquer the SAT and ACT.
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Some Testimonials
“Mr. Schmidt’s method of teaching was extremely helpful for the SAT. His tips and tricks to complete the SAT helped me work smarter and helped me achieve my full potential. I can say the class was well worth the money and because of it I was able boost my SAT score by over 200 points. He is dedicated to his students and truly invested in helping us, I also especially loved his refresher classes that helped me stay on top of learning and keep my knowledge up to date. His method of teaching has also helped me with other standardized tests such as the AP tests!”
~Aditi Maheshwari, Parkland HS, Penn State, Shreyers Honor College.
“Mr. Schmidt’s strengths as a teacher are not limited to his ability to captivate and inspire confidence on the often-daunting SAT. It is his personality, his energy, and his ability to relate to his students on an individual level that make these classes truly exceptional. I felt that the course would be unnecessary, but I was happily proven wrong when I received my test scores. Mr. Schmidt’s classes instilled the confidence and the information necessary for me to understand exactly what the SATs were and were not, and therein lay the difference.”
~Tyler Coulton, Parkland HS, Princeton U.
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PREPARE’s Comprehensive Approach To The SAT and ACT in Orefield, PA
PREPARE can help high school students living in Orefield overcome mental roadblocks that prevent them from performing well on test day. Luckily, PREPARE has proven to help Orefield-based students break free from these obstacles and transform into better test-takers. PREPARE’s targeted approach doesn’t require magic or a miracle, just hard work.
Some students thrive in the classroom, but this doesn’t always translate to standardized testing. In many cases, Parkland, Central Catholic, and Moravian Academy students need help to discover an effective approach to conquering the SAT and ACT. Let PREPARE cultivate, bolster, and fortify your student’s toolbox of skills and lead you to dramatically boosted SAT and ACT test scores.
Get Ready For Top-Quality SAT and ACT Test Prep in Orefield
Strong and effective test-taking skills are the building blocks for academic success. Unfortunately, many students don’t learn how to effectively use their skills on the SAT and ACT. Let PREPARE help you.
Over the years, PREPARE has helped thousands of students from Parkland, Central Catholic, and Moravian Academy take charge and earn higher SAT and ACT scores. Now is the time to let PREPARE help you succeed and soar. Success is one phone call away. Call 610-730-4876 today to learn how you earn scores that will impress college admission councilors from the nation’s top colleges!
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2250 W Union St. Allentown, PA 18104
P: 610-730-4876
PREPARE SAT & ACT Course Classroom Sites
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Muhlenberg College
2400 W Chew St
Allentown, PA 18104
Moravian Academy
4313 Green Pond Rd
Bethlehem, PA 18020
(click map for directions)
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