College Essay Workshop
College Essay Workshop
Saturday, September 23rd, 1:30 – 3:30 pm @ Chester Co. Library (Exton)
Sunday, September 24th, 3:30 – 5:30 pm @ Muhlenberg College (Allentown)
College admissions officers are looking for intelligent, hard-working, personable young people who will thrive at their institution: get good grades, make their campus a brighter place, go on to great things after graduation, and (hopefully) donate money back to their alma mater!
Your GPA, test scores, and extracurriculars are all important components of your college application, but your personal essay is your opportunity to tell admissions folks exactly who you are. Your essay is your chance to come across as a real person–someone with appealing, unforgettable personal qualities… someone they want to welcome to their campus… someone who is hard to turn down.
A well-crafted personal essay also demonstrates your ability to write well–the most important skill a college student can possess. A dynamic, thoughtful, powerful personal essay doesn’t just reveal interesting details about your personality–it shows admissions folks that you know how to handle your pen/pencil/keyboard… so they can feel confident that you have the character and proficiency to succeed in a rigorous academic setting.
In Prepare’s two-part college essay workshop, students will discuss the 2023-24 Common App essay prompts, discuss selecting and breaking down their own experiences that , and the second focusing on comparing and contrasting essays in order to examine the components of effective essays and the pitfalls of less effective ones.
The fee for the workshop is $100.
One 30-minute, individual follow up session is included in the fee.
Students can schedule further one-on-one work, if they wish.